Who We Are

Our Mission

We evangelize the lost, plant and build churches, and minister to the whole person with the vision of seeing the nation of Brazil come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Project 70 started as a mission ministry of the Brazilian Fellowship Baptist Church in Dallas, TX, founded by Pastor Jairo Campos. Project 70 is a church planting ministry in Minas Gerais and Santa Catarina, Brazil. We provide pastoral support for Brazilian pastors until the local church can provide one hundred percent of the financial support of their local ministers. Project 70 also funds a Baptist seminary for Brazilian men.

One hundred percent of contributions is invested  to the mission field in Brazil to grow God’s Kingdom. We partner with more than fifty Brazilian churches currently working to become fully self-sustainable. There are more then fifty men enrolled in the seminary because Project 70 is committed to empowering these men with sound and correct theology that will build strong churches to the service of Jesus Christ.  The project supports annual mission trips to Brazil where Americans and Brazilians partner to evangelize the lost in Minas Gerias and Santa Catarina, Brazil.

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